Newly Acquired 1377

Started by vertguy, February 02, 2014, 11:26:42 PM

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I picked this up last week and had some time to start opening it up before shooting it. Based on the date code, this is a March 2005 gun (s/n starts with 305). Still a newb to the differences with these older platforms, but it was nice to find the trigger frame cover actual made of metal (2 screw version) and the trigger is gold in color... are these actually brass? It also has the dark green grips and pump handle.

I was really interested to see how the self made LDC was put together. It was surprisingly simple and pretty effective. I may end up keeping it and refinishing with some fresh paint and bushings. Another interesting mod was the short piece of a soda straw as a trigger spring guide  ;D So I installed the adjustable spring set-up from my 2400KT for the time being.

The seller mentioned the need to cock it before pumping due to a soft valve spring. When pumping without cocking I am hearing a small air leak, so I plan to tear into it once I get a couple parts like a solid pivot pin and maybe a stock valve spring. Not sure if I am going to keep this one yet as I really bought it for the short left handed RJ breech, but time will tell if it sticks around.

Straw trigger spring guide

Trigger spring guide upgrade :-*

FX Verminator .22

quickster47 †

You got a winner for sure.  That trigger is brass and highly sought after by some airgun aficionados.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


  Looks like you have a keeper!!!